Dharma. It comes from the Sanskrit dhri, which means “to support, hold up or bear.”
We all have our own “dharma” or purpose and reason for being alive. As Krishna states in the Gita, following someone else’s dharma is dangerous. If you live your life trying to impress others and not fulfilling what you’re here to do, you’ll feel the pain.
Whenever virtue declines and unrighteousness rises, I manifest Myself as an embodied being. To protect the Saints and Sages, to destroy the evil-doers and to establish Dharma(righteousness), I am born from age to age.
-Bhagavad Gita 4.7 and 4.8
-Bhagavad Gita 4.7 and 4.8
In order for an individual to realize their supreme Self, they need to identify the reasons and objectives why they came into being on this earth plane, and fulfill them. The ancient seers clearly articulated the objectives of humankind as "Purusharthas" -- 'Purusha' means an individual or person, and 'Artha' means meaning or objective or pursuit. They articulated four Purusharthas as:
Dharma: Righteousness/ Duty
Artha: Wealth
Kama: Pleasure in life/ Desire
Moksha: Liberation
There is so much more to write about these.
i made this for a good friend of mine. She is just that Symbol!
A good idea to play with kids, or just an art to display it in your home.
Kids love to ask questions. When they see, they ask.
From the back:
I kept is simple.
How it is made:
~2" by 4" wood
~Card stock
~Hot glue gun
Thank you so much for stopping by,
Have fun, live with passion, free with in the boundary of Dharma, while doing your Dharma!