Thursday, April 25, 2013

Yama, Niyama, and a place for Ganesha and Ganga

Hello to all,

My love  for  Natural law, Hindu-Dharma is  so deep, I wanted to express  this  through craft.
This table  is made  by our  daughter,  now  all converted into a  small  place [seat] for  Ganesha.

This easel we got  from Hobby Lobby
with : Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha {my own stamp set}

Here with Yama & Niyama:
{my own stamp set}

This  is how  I wanted  to place  it in our  kitchen.
The quote:
"Prayer is the key to heaven, but FAITH unlocked the  door" 
we got  from a  friend, so I  just added to this.

 The  display.

Having this were we walk  each and every day so many times, reminds the  kids about all they see, and it helps them not only grow into these thoughts, but these fundamentals gets absorbed by their awareness/ mind.

I love crafting Vedic thoughts. It makes me strong in my own faith. And respect other's Faith as well.
It helps me  see how  great the  Creator is.
I feel  Grateful having finished this, and  I know the feeling of this contentment ... when our  kids  walk by  this setting, they do  stop and look, and I know it does strengthen them.

More on Yama &  Niyama for  those  who wants  to  know  more : CLICK HERE

Have a  blessed day.